After discussion with some of the regulars on this topic that I've already been giving some thought to for quite a while now, I've just about decided to change some or all of the wipe cycles from monthly to bi-weekly. I'll also be changing some map sizes to something smaller - x3000 rather than x4000 as the servers rarely have more than 20 players (there were 35 on PvE a couple of months ago). If this changes and more players turn up (which I hope to achieve by the Summer) I will increase the size of the maps. I'm hoping that the shorter wipe cycle will encourage more players to the servers who are looking for"recently wiped" servers.
These are my thoughts, please contact me about these by replying to this post below, or via Discord or the forum, I don't mind. Your silence means you agree.
All PvE servers to be wiped every 2 weeks. Yes I know there's only one PvE server at the moment, but I'd like to add another one. I'm going to reduce the size of the map on the current server from x4000 to x3000. For the second PvE server, I'd like it to be x5000 or even x6000 and be a fixed custom map. I've been watching map editing tutorials with RustEdit and my confidence to be able to do this is growing. I would use a procedurally generated map and then edit it to add additional prefabs in the form of monuments and landmarks - I probably wouldn't create a map from scratch as it could take (me) a very long time. The custom map wipe would only be a player data wipe, and it would be the same map every month for several months. With the addition of fixed areas that are turned over to the spawning of automated raidable bases, this could become popular with at least some PvP players too. (Could PvE be becoming the new PvP?)
All PvP servers (Clans, Solo, Duo) to be reduced in size from x4000 to x3000 and wiped every 2 weeks, but I've also been asked to wipe the Clans server every week. If I adopted the weekly wipe cycle then I would only wipe the player data, not the map which would be kept for 2 weeks, and my reason for this is it can often be quite difficult to find a suitable map. What I look for in a map is it has to have the launch area and military tunnels so that players can work towards gearing up for a venture into the dark and gloomy military tunnels.
So what do you think? If I don't get any replies, I'll please myself, so it's up to you to provide input if you're concerned about any of the above.
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