
  1. SeniorSpam

    Implemented Rust Fishing! Yay!

    What is your suggestion? (i.e - A plugin, a server change.) My suggestion is a fishing plugin. If it's a plugin, please provide a link. What server is your suggestion for? (Clans, Solo, Duo, PvE, Build or All) PVE Why do you think your...
  2. PPlank

    Teaming on the SOLO server WILL get you banned

    After a warning from legleg on the Solo server (Solo meaning single players only), plus clear warnings in the rules about teaming, we've found that at least two players have been teaming up to raid bases. In at least one case this has lead to another player leaving the Solo server. We can't...
  3. PPlank

    Open for Comments on the /s Reward Points Store

    Please use this thread for any comments or thoughts you might have on the news we're taking the Rewards Store offline on all servers for (hopefully only) one week. You can read why we've done it here. To anyone wondering, yes it has a...
  4. Zilch

    Shelves can't be researched.

    So, we all know that you've been sticking you Salvaged Shelves into your research tables along with the 75 required scrap. You click research and it counts down from 10, once it hits 0, out comes the items you put into the research table. "Where's my shelves?" Well... with the help of ReKi and...
  5. PPlank

    Grid Reference Teleports

    We've added a new plugin to the Rust servers which allows you to teleport into a map grid reference. The command to do this is e.g.:- /grt XX99 As it might be a little bit of an over powered plugin, we've limited the number of teleports and set cooldown times for each group. We've limited it...
  6. PPlank

    Building Rafts

    We've added a new plugin to the PvE server (and will also add it to both PvP servers in the next day or so), currently only available to donators. You can now build rafts which you can upgrade and then sail around on. :) It's in test at the moment and is very cheap on resources to build but...
  7. PPlank

    Decay Settings on all GameKeeper Rust Servers

    We'd hoped not to have to add decay to the Rust servers after we removed it late last year, but the sheer amount of entities that were being created recently because players have been leaving temporary non-twig structures everywhere means we have no choice. If players could be relied on to clean...
  8. PPlank

    Post Your Rust Bugs Here

    If you find a Rust bug then please post the details here with screenshots if possible and we'll look into it. ONE thread per bug please so that if it's a problematic one we can address it properly in its own forum thread. Because of the forum-Discord integration, we'll immediately see your post...