We've added a new plugin to the Rust servers which allows you to teleport into a map grid reference. The command to do this is e.g.:-
/grt XX99
As it might be a little bit of an over powered plugin, we've limited the number of teleports and set cooldown times for each group. We've limited it more on the PvP servers than on PvE until we're sure it's not going to cause any problems.
At some point, we might remove /warps as they currently exist and add a warp hub instead as a result. It's something for us to think about.
PvP Server Limits
Group - Cool Down - Daily Amount
default - 20 - 2
vip - 15 - 4
vip+ - 12 - 6
vip++ - 9 - 8
vip+++ - 5 - 12
topdog - 0 - (unlimited)
moderator - 0 - (unlimited)
admins - 0 - (unlimited)
PvE Server Limits
Group - Cool Down - Daily Amount
default - 20 - 8
vip - 15 - 14
vip+ - 12 - 20
vip++ - 9 - 30
vip+++ - 5 - 40
topdog - 0 - (unlimited)
moderator - 0 - (unlimited)
admins - 0 - (unlimited)
/grt XX99
As it might be a little bit of an over powered plugin, we've limited the number of teleports and set cooldown times for each group. We've limited it more on the PvP servers than on PvE until we're sure it's not going to cause any problems.
At some point, we might remove /warps as they currently exist and add a warp hub instead as a result. It's something for us to think about.
PvP Server Limits
Group - Cool Down - Daily Amount
default - 20 - 2
vip - 15 - 4
vip+ - 12 - 6
vip++ - 9 - 8
vip+++ - 5 - 12
topdog - 0 - (unlimited)
moderator - 0 - (unlimited)
admins - 0 - (unlimited)
PvE Server Limits
Group - Cool Down - Daily Amount
default - 20 - 8
vip - 15 - 14
vip+ - 12 - 20
vip++ - 9 - 30
vip+++ - 5 - 40
topdog - 0 - (unlimited)
moderator - 0 - (unlimited)
admins - 0 - (unlimited)