Increase Shop use


New Member
I would like to see some improvement to the shop.
To be precise, I would like to be able to sell stuff.
I have like 5 Million low grade fuel etc.
I would love to be able to sell that for a nice amount. (not 0.00002)
To be able to buy some charcoal inexchange or something.
But right now the selling option is pretty pointless and I dont have enough points to shop in the /s.

Am I the only one? :)


Heh. You're not the only one. But. As you've found, it's fairly easy to accumulate a lot of resources thanks to the servers being accelerated, and things like privately owned quarries and pumpjacks being available. (You're welcome.) If I removed the quarries and pumpjacks so it was much harder to accumulate resource, then I would consider changing store prices. As they are now, it would be crazy to allow the selling of millions of resources for a "nice amount" and I guess that's the law of supply and demand in action on the servers.


You can sell some resources to vendors at Bandit Camp and you'll currently get a better price - so I've been told. At some point I will address this and I may either change the prices or remove the option to sell so it's only available to sell via the /s store. When I do this I know there will be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth, but at the moment I think it's TOO easy to accumulate resource and then sell it for RP. Sorry. :)

Finally, I'd like to point out the donation store is waiting. ;)

Here's the PvE comparison page for perks you get when you donate. RP is at the top. (PvP has a separate page if that's the server you're playing on.)