We use two different plugins for Teleport. The /chat version which gives the admins the ability to teleport, and a GUI version for players. There's nothing wrong with permissions, it's just the GUI plugin is shit and doesn't support /home and /tpc. I would like to see the back of it. (Even the devs GUI version of /home has no support for /tpc so go figure.)
- /tp - opens the tp GUI
- /tp {x} {y} {z} - teleports to co-ords (admin only)
- /tpr {player} - sends a tp request to {player}
- /tpa - accepts the incoming tp request
- /tpd - denies the incoming tp request
- /tpc - cancels the teleport
- /tpb - teleports you back
- /tphere - teleports someone to you
Apologies about the colours on the forum right now, we're upgrading it to v2 and have to fix the templates.