Implemented Teleport Cancel

i think that it would be better if they add /tpc (teleport cancel).
the reason for that i teleport sometimes the the wrong home and than i cannot cancel it what leads to a home wasted what i could have used for something else and u already have a limited amount of teleports.


New Member
I mean, if you are trying to cancel your home teleport, I don't think there is a way to really cancel it. Just buy VIP+++ and you get a lot more, so you don't have to worry about wasting them ;)


New Member
there are ways to cancel both home and the normal tp, the admins just need to add the respective permissions for both of them.


We use two different plugins for Teleport. The /chat version which gives the admins the ability to teleport, and a GUI version for players. There's nothing wrong with permissions, it's just the GUI plugin is shit and doesn't support /home and /tpc. I would like to see the back of it. (Even the devs GUI version of /home has no support for /tpc so go figure.)

- /tp - opens the tp GUI
- /tp {x} {y} {z} - teleports to co-ords (admin only)
- /tpr {player} - sends a tp request to {player}
- /tpa - accepts the incoming tp request
- /tpd - denies the incoming tp request
- /tpc - cancels the teleport
- /tpb - teleports you back
- /tphere - teleports someone to you
Apologies about the colours on the forum right now, we're upgrading it to v2 and have to fix the templates. :rolleyes:


I mean... There should never have been two different plugins for essentially the same thing anyway. He should have just sold a completely working single plugin for $20. :emoji_face_palm:
MASSIVE smileys r us. Something else to fix...
yep, it was a pain in the ass for the staff to work with and the players weren't used to how it worked so i made the decision that it was most definitely gone for the start of the wipe. We have plenty of other things that need to be fettled