Server #2 Now PvE

After seeing quite a few new players leave GameKeeper due to being raided, and realising that some people just like to build, AND new players just want to learn the game in peace, I decided we’d try #2 as PvE for a couple of wipe cycles. If people like it then I’ll leave it like that permanently.

Link to GameKeeper Rust #2 map.

So far after just two days since wipe, I’ve seen some new regulars who seem to be enjoying this. Hopefully it will be popular and I’ll be able to leave it like that.

Well. Not quite. At the moment all I’ve done is switched a Rust toggle to PvE, but I’d like to make it better than that. There are a couple of plugins that I’d like to install which make PvE servers closer to PvE than just changing a FacePunch supplied toggle, so I’m going to do that.

The only problem is, it looks like a lot of configuration tweaking, so I’ll have to spend some time doing that on a test server before deploying it to the live one. It might be a couple of weeks before I can even look at it, so please bear with me. 🙂


1 comment

So far it seems quite popular.