Shelves can't be researched.


So, we all know that you've been sticking you Salvaged Shelves into your research tables along with the 75 required scrap. You click research and it counts down from 10, once it hits 0, out comes the items you put into the research table. "Where's my shelves?"
Well... with the help of ReKi and MistyBus, a solution to problem has been found, if you put in for example 1500 scrap and your shelves, the item will turn in to a blue print. It will only subtract the 75 scrap and you'll get to keep the other 1425 for another item. We will look for a more permanent fix for the problem, but for now you can do that.

Have fun researching,


New Member
Thanks Zilch for taking my suggestion. Use at least 1000 scrap is what I have found the most useful. If you are a newer player, and you don't have much scrap, I can donate some to you, you can ask around for some, or get tech trash or gears. Components are very good for getting scrap. Shelves hopefully will either be fixed or they will be a default item where you don't need a blueprint
well i just want to add that there are another "fix" for that.. it still cost scrap but it might be cheaper if you still need scrap early.
As you may or may not know but they added a so called BP system on the workbenches for a couple of weeks ago, that way you are able to get the last missing bp's you are missing or simply want.
Workbench lvl 1 lets you get tier 1 BP from it for 100 scrap each time until you have to obtained all bp's available to that tier.
Workbench lvl 2 lets you get tier 2 BP for 500 scrap and workbench lvl 3 lets you get tier 3 BP for 1000 scrap.. i know most people usually have trouble finding some ak47, the bolty, c4, explosives or the RPG... So this system is a great way to obtain them if you having trouble to find them in chests/barrels unless you ask another player nicely for them.

As the final note, for this workbench BP system, if you are using it, learn it directly, dont keep it and just keep researching, learn it first before you try it again, as if you just keep using it, you will end up with duplicates but if you learn it directly after getting it, you wont get any more duplicates of that item..

i know a few other items are bugged aswell, such as the handmade sight, and im not sure but i think the 4x zoom were aswell.


Nice, but.. Shelves is one of the things you can't experimentally research. I went through every researchable item a couple of weeks ago and shelves didn't pop out. This was after a player had told me they couldn't get a shelves BP from experimental researching it. Hopefully FP will fix it with this weeks release.

But who knows?