Rust Servers

Rewards System Updated

New command /rr which opens a desktop GUI. From there you can see the RP you can earn from harvesting, killing etc. You can also set a banner or icon notification to show you how much RP you earn for each action, e.g. killing a boar, chopping down a tree, or gathering hemp etc, I have mine set to “icon” and it appears for less than a second so it’s not too distracting. Or you can turn it off.

I know it’s taken a while to get my attention, and I apologise for the delay, but at last the Reward Points (RP) system has been updated. It took me 4 hours to carefully transfer the old values to the new system. What a PITA but it’s much better now

You may find a few of the values are slightly different, and it’s a work in progress. If you spot anything a little strange, please let me know in Discord and I’ll take a look.

Posted by PPlank in Rust Servers, Server Updates

TP and Home Limits

Effective immediately (I just made the change) home limits for vip+++ ranks have been increased from 12 to 20. Also the number of teleports of any kind have been increased from 99 per day to 199 per day. All other ranks remain unchanged

This should make it more convenient for those players who spend a lot of time on the servers and do a lot of teleporting around. 😉

Posted by PPlank in Rust Servers, Server Updates

Halloween Minigame

You will have noticed the Halloween mini-game starting every so often. It's worth playing.

Collect candies as they appear in front of you and earn goodie bags. These can be upgraded to produce better and better items.

To make it easier and more competitive, I've added the Scarecrow Wrap and the Pumpkin Bucket to the Rewards Store (/s) at a cost of 1 RP each.

Wear the Scarecrow Wrap and you will see more candies appear at a faster rate. Hold the Pumpkin Bucket in front of you and hold down the Left Mouse Button (LMB) as you run around to pick up candies instantly, there's no delay at all.

I'm fairly sure most people don't know you can do this as I have yet to see anyone other than myself in the #1 slot. My all time record is 104 candies. Beat that.



Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers

Rust Wipe 2nd September

These are links to all the maps that will be used for the 2nd September wipe. Note that the main PvP server (Clans) has now been increased back to x4000. This month’s FacePunch map algorithm change seems to be to have greatly reduced the number of underwater labs to about 3 per map.

GK PvE (x4000)

GK PvP Clans (x4000)

GK Solo (x3500)

Duo (x3500)

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Personal Minicopter for VIP+

As of today, there is now a personal minicopter available for all VIP+ ranks and above.

You can summon or despawn your minicopter with the following commands:-

/mymini — Spawn a mini copter
/nomini — Despawn mini copter
/gmini — Get/summon mini copter

I’m not yet sure what will happen if someone flies off with your minicopter and you despawn it or summon it to you. It probably means a fall for the pilot. 😉

There is a 60 second cooldown to prevent spamming.

Posted by PPlank in Rust Servers, Server Updates

Clan EZ Banned

After several complaints and some players saying they wouldn’t play on the Clans server while EZ (an Italian clan) were on, I took a look and found the complaints to be reasoned and reasonable. EZ (Awsaf and Master) had suddenly gone from “shit” to “they always seem to know where we are and can get constant headshots” as one player put it. That kind of improvement doesn’t happen naturally over night.

Next up they seemed to know exactly where the loot in bases was stored and raided the same huge honeycombed base three times and each time went directly to the loot (in different places), ignoring the rest of the base. An obvious use of an ESP cheat. It’s sad that some people will do anything to appear good at something they’re actually very poor at, instead of acknowledging their failings.

But for me the clincher was when I checked Awsaf’s list of homes. He didn’t have any. In fact when I looked closely at all the entities on the server, he didn’t have ANYTHING.

Awsaf knew the game was up. He’d killed himself (and renamed himself to [EZ] 1010001110 01001110) and had NOTHING on the server. No homes, no buildings, no stashes, not a thing. You can’t go raiding when you don’t have any explosives to do it. Master didn’t have much either, even in the small stashes he’d squirrelled away – there just wasn’t enough to do a decent raid with (11 C4, no rockets). I could see which boxes Awsaf had been into, which TCs he’d authorised on, and he wasn’t the owner of any of them.

I’ve “sticky” banned the EZ clan with RustAdmin for using ESP – it will follow them around from server to server, and other admins will ban them from their servers too.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers

Next wipe is HDRP


It’s great.

Thursday 6th May when the servers wipe and Rust updates, there’s a nice surprise waiting for you. FacePunch have introduced HDRP to Rust and many of their monuments and other prefabs have had a shiny new high resolution update.

HDRP stands for High Definition Render Pipeline and is a Unity thing. It’s supposed to enable higher resolution models (prefabs) in game with almost no hit to frame rates. Oo-er. I’m thinking that newer GPUs will benefit but I’m a bit concerned my 4GB RAM GTX 970 might have some problems.

We won’t know until we try. It’s exciting, and if it works the way it’s supposed to, it will be fantastic.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Codelocked Hackable Crates now open faster – QoL

I thought I’d already done this, but maybe I’d just tested it without applying it to the servers. Anyway…

Codelocked Hackable Crates now open in 7m30s, or should do anyway. The one I tested did.

If you find one that’s not opening at that speed, please let me know.

(hackablelockedcrate.requiredhackseconds 450)

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Kits Updated on PvE and PvP – QoL

After two days of work, kits have all been updated on all the Rust servers as well as the kits plugin. To celebrate this, I reset the player data so that even if you’ve claimed all your kits, you get them all back again for this last week. Yay!

If you do /kit in game you’ll see the shiny new interface. Click on a kit to view it fully before you redeem it.

You can also see the images and associated kits all updated on the PvE donation page and the PvP donation page.

Yeah it’s been a lot of work.

I deliberately held off doing anything with the new version of the plugin for about a month after release as it was in beta for a few weeks before full release while most problems were ironed out. Since then there have been lots of other issues with it, but it looks like 95% of them have either been fixed now because other admins have reported them, or the other niggles don’t affect us because we don’t use those features.

As soon as I saw the number of problems when it was first released I decided to avoid it until it was stable. I also decided not to update the website donation pages until I knew this was all sorted. The PvE kits have been overwritten at some point (god knows when) by the PvP kits, and while the job was on the list, I’ve just been putting it off and concentrating on other stuff until this new Kits plugin was all good. All now fixed and the PvE skins are as they should be.

The next big job for me to do is to set up the new store donation page(s). We’re going to a monthly donation model soon, but you can still get lifetime access on the donate page if you’re quick. (Yes I  know that it was supposed to be live already on April 1st. That was an unintended April Fool’s Day joke.)

I haven’t finished work on the kits yet, treat this as phase one. Phase two will be adding and removing stuff from the kits, and possibly adding in some fun stuff too.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Additional RP for playtime

As of a few days ago, all the servers were updated to issue everyone 1rp for every minute played on the server.

This is in addition to RP already earned for various activities such as gathering, crafting, killing, etc. This RP is awarded for every 15 complete minutes on the server, ie 15rp per 15 minutes play time.

In addition, vip ranks get a boost in the form of a multiplier depending on vip rank. This multiplier is for both the activities mentioned above, plus time spent on the server.

free vip ~ x 1.2 RP boost
vip+ ~ x 1.4 RP boost
vip++ ~ x 1.6 RP boost
vip+++ ~ x 1.8 RP boost


You can donate for any of the + ranks here.

You can also now buy the callheli command in the ServerRewards store (/s) for 5000rp.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates