Rust Servers

Horse Dung

I admit I haven’t kept up with the torrent of changes that FacePunch have made over the last year. You’ve got to admit it too – there’s been a lot. One of them is the introduction of horse dung which I was a little gobsmacked about as it happened almost a year ago.

Anyway… It was pointed out to me that horse dung appeared too slowly so I’ve introduced a plugin that makes horses poop faster in a safe and caring way.

Now you’ll get 1 dung every 15 minutes, and 1 every minute if you sit on the horse.

Q. What’s brown and sounds like a bell?

A. Dung.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Wipe Cycle Changes

After discussion with some of the regulars on this topic that I've already been giving some thought to for quite a while now, I've just about decided to change some or all of the wipe cycles from monthly to bi-weekly. I'll also be changing some map sizes to something smaller - x3000 rather than x4000 as the servers rarely have more than 20 players (there were 35 on PvE a couple of months ago). If this changes and more players turn up (which I hope to achieve by the Summer) I will increase the size of the maps. I'm hoping that the shorter wipe cycle will encourage more players to the servers who are looking for"recently wiped" servers.

These are my thoughts, please contact me about these by replying to this post below, or via Discord or the forum, I don't mind. Your silence means you agree.

All PvE servers to be wiped every 2 weeks. Yes I know there's only one PvE server at the moment, but I'd like to add another one. I'm going to reduce the size of the map on the current server from x4000 to x3000. For the second PvE server, I'd like it to be x5000 or even x6000 and be a fixed custom map. I've been watching map editing tutorials with RustEdit and my confidence to be able to do this is growing. I would use a procedurally generated map and then edit it to add additional prefabs in the form of monuments and landmarks - I probably wouldn't create a map from scratch as it could take (me) a very long time. The custom map wipe would only be a player data wipe, and it would be the same map every month for several months. With the addition of fixed areas that are turned over to the spawning of automated raidable bases, this could become popular with at least some PvP players too. (Could PvE be becoming the new PvP?)

All PvP servers (Clans, Solo, Duo) to be reduced in size from x4000 to x3000 and wiped every 2 weeks, but I've also been asked to wipe the Clans server every week. If I adopted the weekly wipe cycle then I would only wipe the player data, not the map which would be kept for 2 weeks, and my reason for this is it can often be quite difficult to find a suitable map. What I look for in a map is it has to have the launch area and military tunnels so that players can work towards gearing up for a venture into the dark and gloomy military tunnels.

So what do you think? If I don't get any replies, I'll please myself, so it's up to you to provide input if you're concerned about any of the above.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Changes to Server Rewards (RP)

When you use /s  store, you can now purchase a Test Generator for 3,000rp which outputs 100 power. You can find it under the "Items=>Misc" sub-tab.

You can also now purchase a minicopter for 500rp via the "Commands" tab.

More changes to come. If there's anything you'd like to see in the store that isn't aleady there, then please make a suggestion on the forum.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Duo Rust Server now Live

The Duo server is back. It's been mothballed for a few weeks, so you may notice some small strange bugs, mostly to do with permissions. Please report them in the Discord #bugs channel.

Some players have already found the Duo server and  joined. 🙂

The server will be on a 2-3 week wipe cycle. In a 4 week month it will be every 2 weeks of course, but if it's 5 week month then it will wipe at week 3 so that the 2 weeks come at the end of the month.

As I said in a previous post, this is only possible through donations. I need a couple of hundred dollars a month to pay for the hardware, and also to buy software for the servers. I'm willing to pay for half out of my own pocket, but the rest is up to players like you.

This is why very shortly I will have to move to a monthly membership model rather than the current lifetime one. Anyone who is already vip+++ etc before the change will stay at that rank for lifetime. Anyone who donates after the changeover is on the monthly cycle. The good news is the ranks will be typically half the price of the current lifetime ones, so it doesn't hurt your pocket as much.

I hope everyone understands, but I need to bring in those donations to keep it all going. Players join the servers and often tell me how much they love them. Well, they're a work of love for me too so that makes me happy. I still need those donations though. 😉

Thanks for your support.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Scientists Looking at the Ground

You know those scientists that have been ignoring you and just looking at the ground in boredom? Now fixed.

The scientists that spawned in guarding the treasure chests, downed helis, and from some other events all now rely on a custom AI plugin, now installed.

Another mystery solved today.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Black Circles on Map Fixed

You know those giant black circles that were appearing on the map? Fixed. Black circles are no more.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

PvP Zones on PvE now fixed

PvE has been suffering from some strangeness where PvP zones weren't PvP zones. Now fixed. It was a hard to find misconfiguration of one of the four plugins used to make it a PvE server and to control the PvP zones. After poring over the files for an hour or so, I tracked the problem down and it's now fixed. So if you see a grey dome over a monument, it's definitely a PvP zone.

I apologise for it happening in the first place, but sometimes plugins can be a little tricky to understand some of the configuration wording, and when you've got four of them interacting with each other it just makes it all a little harder.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Duo server returns on the 18th March

On the 18th March, the Duo server returns. Yay!

I've finished setting it all back up again, updating plugins and configs and so on, and it's ready to go. It will be on a 2-3 week wipe cycle. In a 4 week month it will be every 2 weeks of course, but if it's 5 week month then it will wipe at week 3 so that the 2 weeks come at the end of the month.

This is only possible through donations. I need a couple of hundred dollars a month to pay for the hardware, and also to buy software for the servers. I'm willing to pay for half out of my own pocket, but the rest is up to you. This is why very shortly I will have to move to a monthly membership model rather than the current lifetime one. Anyone who is already vip+++ etc before the change will stay at that rank for lifetime. Anyone who donates after the changeover is on the monthly cycle. The good news is the ranks will be typically half the price of the current lifetime ones, so it doesn't sting as much.

I hope everyone understands, but I need to bring in those donations.

Thanks for your support.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Raid Protection

As we can't all spend 24/7 on one of our favorite games, I've installed some plugins that protect players against offline raiding on the Clans and Solo servers.

One of the biggest reasons for players leaving the servers (I've been told) is because new players start playing Rust, spend a while building their first base, logoff and when they get back on the next day, they've been raided and lost everything. They leave and never come back. For me, I've always wanted revenge in that situation, but I get why some players say "fuck this" and never play Rust again.

To help all players but especially new players, there are now some changes I've made which I think are fair. Please let me know if you disagree.

New Players

EDIT: Not working as it should, all players are getting 100% protection. I've removed the plugin and informed the dev, now we wait.

All NEW players to the PvP servers now get 6 hours of ingame playtime where their base is 100% protected. So if they play 1 hour a day for a week, they've used all their time up. If they play for a couple of hours and leave the server forever, then after 5 days their base becomes unprotected again. There is a check made to see if they really ARE new players by checking their Steam in game time.

This doesn't reset at wipe, it's a one-off kindness. 🙂

After that time, their base is raidable like anyone elses.

Door Closing

The next change I've made is to automatically close all your doors when you go offline, so if you have autodoors turned off and forget (some players do) you should still be okay. You can toggle it on and off with /ofd.

Offline Raiding

The last change I've made is to make offline raids more difficult. Not impossible, just a little more difficult. Effective immediately, when you go offline your base becomes stronger after a little while, causing the raider to have to use more explosives etc.

This is how it works.

  • When you go offline (can also be AFK for 15 minutes), then for 15 minutes your base is at the same level of protection as it would be if you were online. After 15 minutes of being offline/AFK, your base gets a boost to 100% protection for 45 minutes.
  • After that first hour has passed, then for the next 48 hours, your base protection is reduced to an additional 50% over normal and now needs to take more damage to be raided.
  • After 48 hours it returns to normal amounts of damage.
  • After 168 hours (7 days) of being offline your base is now weakened by 50% than normal and only needs half the explosive etc, to raid it.
  • That helps keep the server clean from abandoned bases if a raider cleans out the TC. The dead base will then decay naturally over the next 48 hours.

You can check a players status by using the /ao <PlayerName> command in chat.

So my thinking behind these changes is to keep players playing. I've seen many new players to the servers leave after a day or two because they've been raided and lost everything. These changes give them a slight boost that they may need while they're learning the basics. If they give up, then their base becomes more easily raidable after a week.

To balance the frustration that more experienced players may have, before the April wipe we'll be seeing automatic server-generated raidable bases appearing on all the servers. These will appear as events and will have decent loot and be protected by NPCs.

Watch this space.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers