Rust Servers

Big Update to Rust Pipes

There’s been a fairly big update to our Pipes plugin which includes a number of fixes and enhancements, with the most notable for me being the Recyclers support. Now a pipe will put content into the top of the Recycler and another pipe will take it from the bottom. Wow!

Placeable Recyclers are obtainable by crafting (/craftrec command) if you’re at least a VIP+, or you can find them in some loot, I think either in airdrops or in hackable crates. One or both of those. Anyway…

This means you can place a Recycler in your base with a pipe or series of pipes running from a box outside an outer wall or High Stone Wall as a feed into the Recycler, using the pipes AutoStart feature. Then, tucked in your base you can have a series of pipes set with filters to extract the items from your Recycler and sorted into the relevant boxes in your loot rooms. Which means… while you’re out and about hitting barrels etc, you can just run up to your base, drop the items to be recycled into your box outside and go looking for more. When you get back, it’s all been recycled and sorted.

Maybe it’s just me, but I geek over this sort of thing. 🙄

In case you’re new to pipes, you just do /p in chat, select your wooden hammer, hit your first container then run to your second container and hit that too. Now a pipe will appear that will move items placed in the first container to the second container. If you hit the pipe with your wooden hammer a UI will open where you can set filters, upgrade the pipe (if you’re a VIP), set autostart if you’re moving things into a machine, and change flow direction. And some other stuff. It’s fairly intuitive.

You can create pipes in between most containers, and that includes quarries, pumpjacks, furnaces, etc. And now with Recycler support too.

Finally, here’s a list of additional pipes commands:-

  • /p as mentioned above to add a pipe between two containers with your wooden hammer
  • /p r – Remove pipes by hitting then with a wooden hammer
  • /p c – Copy the settings and filters from one pipe by hitting it with a wooden hammer and then hit other pipes to apply these settings to it.
  • /p n  – Set a name to a container or pipe. This is useful if you have pipes running between two identical containers and you want to tell them apart. Or when you have long pipes and want to know what they are for.
  • /p s – Get information on how many pipes you have and how many are running
  • /p h – Bring up the in game help

Have fun!

Posted by PPlank in Rust Servers, Server Updates

No Decay for Vehicles near Tool Cupboard

Someone questioned vehicles decaying, specifically Minicopters and Scrap Helicopters – I can’t find the question now, so maybe it happened in-game and not Discord. I *thought* vehicles didn’t decay when under cover of a building but I might have been wrong about that, OR it’s another bit of FacePunch weirdness after this last couple of updates. I don’t know. Anyway…

I’ve now added a plugin that removes decay from all vehicles (including Skidoos and similar) as long as they’re within Tool Cupboard range. That should solve that problem but note they’ll still decay while out in the wild or if they get knocked about a bit, so have a wooden hammer ready to give them a good bashing to repair them.

Posted by PPlank in Rust Servers, Server Updates

New x3 PvE Server

Yesterday saw the firing up for the first time of the new PvE server, thanks to a massive donation from Aagares to get it all started. If not for that donation I think I would still be umming and ahhing about it, so thank you very much Aagares.

And thank you to all the other donators too. You’re all good guys and gals.

The map for this first wipe is an x3 gather and has an Egyptian theme, with some VERY interesting custom monuments, and while there aren’t any cave systems (that I’ve found), there are some pre-made locations marked with an x on the map that are various structures you can build inside. Remember the old caves from a few years ago? Yeah like that. I was also surprised to see that you can build in areas that I thought were part of a monument.

Anyway… details are on the Rust servers page. You can connect directly by clicking this Steam Connect link – steam://connect/ and you can see the map here –

Finally, the map:-

Posted by PPlank in Rust Servers, Server Updates

Stacking Chests

You can now stack chests on top of each other up to a maximum of 3 in height. This goes hand in hand with the also new ability to upgrade your boxes and furnaces. This means you can now cram more chests in a smaller space, and make those chest bigger. I tested it and both plugins work nicely together.

Until one of them breaks in a Rust update… Ahem. 😉

In order to put chests on top of each other, you have to counterintuitively RIGHT CLICK while the chest is red, as it won’t go blue to place with a left click. Do that and it all works fine.

I wasn’t sure about getting this plugin as I’d seen reports of it being buggy, but it seems to be okay.

Posted by PPlank in Rust Servers, Server Updates

Upgrade Your Boxes and Furnaces

As of 5th September 2022, this plugin has been replaced by the new containers plugin.

You can now upgrade your large and small boxes, furnace, camp fire and some other containers. Yay!

Now when you open a container you’ll see a button at the bottom right where you can upgrade it to a bigger size.


You can see this box has already been upgraded by two slots from the normal 30. When you click it, you’ll get the upgrade UI appear where you can add more slots.


You can see in the image above there’s a maximum of 36 slots available (at the time of testing) so you can upgrade by another 4 at a cost of what you see in the way of raw materials.

Because this is new to the servers I’m setting all the boxes to the maximum I’m able for everyone, for example large boxes are getting 42 slots from the standard 30, and small boxes are getting 24 slots from the standard 12, but at some point I may put limits as to who can expand their containers like this.

TIP: You may find it’s more efficient to use small boxes maxed out rather than large boxes maxed out. 😉

Once a container is made bigger your teammates can see the larger slot capacity too, and if the plugin is unloaded or breaks for some reason, it won’t affect the container size – I’ve tested this. The containers are genuinely made much bigger. The containers can be made even larger, but if I do this you can’t see some of the slots in the UI, so stuff is hidden unless you break the container and a satchel pops out.



Posted by PPlank in Rust Servers, Server Updates

Water Bases

Update: There is now a Floating Water Bases Tutorial page.

The Water Bases plugin that was discussed in Discord #suggestions is now active on all servers.

The floating foundations look like this, but appear as a rubber ring floatie when placing them.

Once you’ve placed down your first foundation, then AS LONG AS you have more floating foundations in your inventory, you can use the building planner with floor selected to place down more. As you place down each floor, it consumes one of your floating foundations. So use the FLOORS in your building planner, not foundations.

I REALLY like that you can add a floor frame and put a ladder hatch at the bottom of your base to climb up and in. The fishing nets are an additional bonus and catch random loot.

For this next wipe, the floating foundations are craftable so everybody can have a good go with the plugin, but after the March 3rd forced wipe you’ll only be able to buy the special foundations (which are really floors) in the /s store.

Have fun, but please don’t create massive floating bases. Hm, I think I’ll go make sure there are some limits. 😉


Posted by PPlank in Rust Servers, Server Updates

New Rust Server – One Grid Maps

Update 27th April 2022: OneGrid is no more. It just wasn't getting enough interest and I'd rather use the hardware resources that it was using elsewhere.

A new PvP server has been added on an at least 4 CUSTOM map rotation and is wiped every month. Every map has at least some interesting and unique monuments on it that you won't find on regular generated maps. They all have a fully formed underground railway. This is not a Solo or Duo server and you can create a clan on there if you wish. 😉

Here are the key features.

  • Gas station
  • 2 Lighthouses
  • Secret Vault - Green puzzle
  • Red Hideout - Blue puzzle
  • Fishing Village - Recycler
  • Outpost vending machines
  • Fortune wheel + instruments
  • Decorative boats along the shores
  • 3 train stations - 1 underwater lab - both oil rigs

The Rust server page has been updated to reflect the new server, but for your convenience, here are the details.

Here is the Steam direct connect link if you can't see it in the ingame browser yet, and also the map link.

steam://connect/ ONE GRID Map:

This is the first map of this wipe cycle which will be replaced by another similarly featured map at the next forced wipe.


As a bit of background info, I've been testing a hacked together map (that I created) for the last 3 months and it all seemed to work well as a one grid server, so I've gone ahead and added some proper custom edited maps into the cycle. All your favourite mods and plugins are installed except for Raidable Bases at the moment as the map is very small. I'll attempt to edit the next map in the cycle to add some islands that bases can spawn on, and I'll probably exclude Nightmare bases as they're too difficult for many people, as they're meant to be attacked by a clan of at least 3 or more, but we get single players trying to do them.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Better Signs Management

There’s a new plugin installed on all servers that manages your signs for you. You can now store up to 25 signs (I’ve asked the dev for more) for use on any frames. When you finish with a picture it’s automatically saved for you in your personal library. (And don’t forget the Sign Artist command /sil to place URLs to images into signs.)

If you want to open the UI at any time, position yourself near to the frame you want to edit and type /sm in chat. There you can Set (apply) one of your library images to the frame you’re looking at.

The images survive server wipes so you can use them on the next map. The only limitation at the moment is the number of images, hopefully the dev will see my request and add some pages so more can be stored.

That video above is a portion of an art gallery created on the PvE server by “The itsy-bitsy” that I copy pasted to another location, so no damage to the original that I personally think is totally brilliant.

Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Crafting MORE Things

Effective immediately, when using a Workbench there are some new options available. Now you can craft lots of normally uncraftable items. At the moment they’re difficult to get items and are mainly decorations. I’m thinking hard of what else could be added and if you have any suggestions, please let me know in Discord in the #suggestions channel.

When you open a Workbench, you’ll see that over on the right there’s a new Blueprints menu. Running along the top are 7 icons that in order represent “All Items,” “Beach Items,” “Seasonal Items,” “Attire,” “Electrical Items,” and finally “Miscellaneous Items.”

Software plugins to do this kind of thing are paid for when people make donations. All donations go straight back into the servers, so you know, go right ahead and go get something from the donation store like a 42 slot backpack, the ability to bulk craft (AKA instacraft), or automatically have your items repaired when they break. These things help you and they help the servers keep running.

Here’s 3 screen grabs so you know what to expect from this new plugin. As I said I’ll add more items when I’ve had a good think about it as I want gameplay to be balanced as much as possible. Have fun!


Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates

Exchange Scrap for Reward Points (RP)

EDIT: As of 23rd August 2022, this plugin has been removed as it sometimes wasn’t giving players their RP. Instead I’ve made sure that the /s store will now let you sell 10 scrap for 1 RP which is the same value as this now defunct scrap exchange.

I’ve just added another plugin and this one lets you exchange scrap for RP. The exchange rate is 10 scrap gives you 1 RP. It’s accessible via any NPC vending machine and you’ll find a section at the top that says “SCRAP EXCHANGE.”


You can type a value directly into the box and then use the arrow keys to increase or reduce it. If you put 99 scrap into the exchange you won’t actually get 9.9 RP, you’ll just get 9. I experimented a bit with it to see if you get the 0.9 in the background, but no you just lose it, so don’t do that.


Posted by PPlank in General, Rust Servers, Server Updates